A message of encouragement

Mar 23, 2020

We find ourselves in a state of constant prayer for our country and the world!

Dear friends,

These are trying and uncertain times that we all find ourselves in! The impact of this current situation has and will continue to affect everyone in different ways. Our prayers go out to all of those affected directly and indirectly by this pandemic. We find ourselves in a state of constant prayer for our country and the world!

Swanberg Ministries has recently had to cancel or reschedule thirteen events in the months of March and April. In the twenty-five-year history of our “Ministry of Encouragement” we have not seen anything like this before. 

I know that this is not a comfortable time for anyone and the impact may well continue to increase in the days and weeks to come. However, we place our faith, hope, and trust in God who does not know uncertainty. He speaks to the winds and the waves and the storm ceases. What we do know is that His ways are not our ways and that somehow in His time and Divine Plan, all things work together for good for those who are called according to His Purpose! He is the anchor that we will cling to during this time and He is the rock where we can find a firm foundation to stand upon. 

Despite our fears, we know that He will provide! We thank you for your friendship and your prayers! We appreciate the encouragement that you bring to us and the support you give to Swanberg Ministries! We look forward to the opportunity to once again serve and minister through encouragement when this storm breaks. God is in control and soon we will return to the road in an effort to refresh others, recover together, and rejoice in Him!
