Oh, How I Love to Encourage the Saints!!!

Nov 7, 2022

Thank you for your support and encouragement of The Swan and Swanberg Ministries!

So often at each event I hear someone say something like:

“Man, I really needed that”
“I haven’t laughed since my loved one passed away!”
“I love to see my family and friends laugh”
“Normally I don’t like comedy, but you enabled me to laugh”
“Thank you for your transparency…your life has encouraged mine”
“I laughed, I cried, and I grew in Christ”
“Don’t ever quit what you are doing”
“The church and the country need your gift”
“You are making a difference in people’s lives”
“You are one of us”

Such incredible words of testimony that strengthen and motivate me and our Ministry of Encouragement! It is because of feedback like this, received at each event, that I can continue to travel and encourage others now that His day is drawing near!

My greatest Joy is to see someone come to Christ for forgiveness and salvation through Jesus. Recently, I was able to experience dozens come to Saving Faith in Christ Jesus at The Ark Encounter in Kentucky. I was also able to have a part in a young teen and his girlfriend walking the aisle in Alabama as they both came to Christ at the altar!

Humor so often opens a door and makes it possible to share the Good News of Jesus Christ! There is no greater calling than to help others find their way to a life worth living through The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit! So often I can see the walls of Failure, Guilt, Shame, Worry, Depression, Stress, Anxiety, and Sin fall through the Laughter and Joy that God allows me to bring to others.

Humor does not authenticate the message of Christ, rather the message of Christ authenticates the message of encouragement through humor that I use to reach people for His Kingdom! I believe that God’s Holy Spirit gave me the Spiritual Gift of Mercy with Joy so that I can love and encourage people! That is my goal every time I travel and speak, to lift up those around me and be an encouragement to them as I show them the Light of Life that is only found in Jesus!

Thank you for your support and encouragement of The Swan and Swanberg Ministries! We are committed to continuing this ministry so that others will be blessed! It is our hope and prayer that you and yours are richly blessed by Gods Great Grace and that we can be with you to laugh together soon!

– The Swan – Dr. Dennis Swanberg