Laughter From the Rafters
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You’ll find yourself laughing…even from the rafters!
When Dr. Swan tells a story, you know it’s bound to be funny. And, after awhile, you will begin to wonder if you weren’t raised in the same household! Stories that take you back to days when life just seemed to be a little easier and a little more fun! Even when someone falls through the roof on Easter Sunday, this pastor turned comedian can turn THAT into a hilarious story worth telling over and over again.
You Know You’re Getting Older When…
Baseball, Dusty and ADD
Pauline Bernadeen & Floyd Leon
Bathrooms and Angels
Voices from the Past and Present
Kids…They Say The Darnd’est Things
Little Cindy and Her Praline
The Little Water Bug
The Counselor
Babies, Baptists and Binoculars
Easter Sunday’s Laughter from the Rafters