Breakfast, Bible and Bull
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There is something about the smell of bacon frying in a pan, the aroma of fresh brewed coffee, biscuits right out of the oven, and the sounds of eggs crackin’ in a skillet. These will sure get a day off to a good start! Just like breakfast brings us nourishment and satisfies our hunger, spending a few minutes with the Bible and a timely word makes the food and the day even better.
Years ago, I realized that men should have time to be together to talk about life, read God’s Word, and spend time together. Starting with just a handful of men, I began a morning Bible Study that we referred to as “Breakfast, Bible, & Bull!” It was a laid back, easy going, grab a cup of coffee and see where the conversation takes us kind of group. Just being together for a few minutes each week bonded us together with a desire to experience a fuller and more meaningful relationship with God and one another!
Wrapped around things men experience and enjoy in their lives, these 52 chapters each containing life principals, scriptures to ponder, and questions to reflect on each week. wrapped around things men experience and enjoy in their lives. Grow stronger in your faith as you dive deeper into God’s Word, build relationships with men and grow closer together as life’s journey.