Greatest Laughs
Donation of $20.00
In today’s crazy world…We all need to take a few moments and laugh! This collection of stories will bring back memories. The VERY BEST of “The Swan”
This three DVD collection includes some of Dennis Swanbergs greatest stories!
Volume 1:
Zipper Revenge
Rockin’ With Billy Graham
Grandma and Grandpa’s House
Counseling Senior Adults
They’re Looking for me – Dusty’s Story
Once Shaved, Always Shaved
Limburger Cheese
Volume 2:
Baptismal Drain
Jingle Bells
Easter Sunday Surprise
Hug Your Mother
The Language of the Apron and the Broom
Lauree is Great with Child
Seniors Adults on a Swim Retreat
Senior Adults: Rocking Chairs, Tombstones, and Grandkids
Volume 3:
Nip it in the Bud!
Lauree’s Green Suburban
The Gift of Gab and the Mall
You Know You’re Getting Older When…
Ol’ Fashioned Remedies
False Teeth
Senior Adult Couple at the Dr.’s Office
Laverne…”I’m Sizzlin”